With the constant proliferation of new mobile devices in the market, it’s only a matter of time before bring-your-own-device (BYOD) is de rigueur for every business. The agility and efficiency BYOD brings to the workplace are undeniable — but so are the risks, if a governing policy is not implemented properly.
In order for your organization to take full advantage of the benefits of allowing employees to bring their own devices, while at the same time minimizing the inherent risks, a mobility strategy must be developed that encompasses both security and flexibility. As a planning aid, we’ve put together the following list of mobile device management tips to keep in mind when making the switch to BYOD.
5 Mobile Device Management Tips
1. Select the devices and apps to be supported. To keep a solid grasp on the reins of your mobile device management strategy, you’ll first need to define which devices, platforms, and apps you will support, and which ones you will not. Otherwise, handling the sheer number of different options will be overwhelming. Let your employees know the requirements to access your network using their personal devices.
2. Take advantage of cloud data storage. One of the potential liabilities of BYOD is that devices able to access the company network are much more exposed to possible loss or theft by virtue of their mobility. Rather than allowing the security of company data to be compromised by permitting employees to save it on their devices, make use of a company cloud for data storage.
3. Create password and device wipe policies. Even with the use of cloud storage, it’s prudent to protect mobile devices that have access to company infrastructure with an auto-locking feature and strong passwords that are updated on a regular basis. Part of your organization’s mobile device management strategy should also be a policy governing the remote wipe of devices that have been stolen or lost.
4. Educate employees about the risks. While the perceived hassle of complying with tight security regulations can be cause for some grumbling, if employees receive a comprehensive explanation of all the risks involved with BYOD, they will be much more likely to understand the necessity of compliance, and to support the policies protecting company data.
5. Give access to apps on an as-needed basis. Not every employee will need access to every app your organization offers. Rather than opening all channels of company network access to a large number of users, customize each employee’s access according to the needs of their position.
By limiting and protecting access to the company network and data, the potential for a security breach is minimized, and companies can take full advantage of the many agility and efficiency benefits that mobility solutions have to offer. Productivity can be boosted, costs can be reduced, and the innovative methods of interaction made possible by mobility can lead to an increase in both employee and customer satisfaction.
If you’re considering a mobile app or custom software development project, the team at 7T is ready to help. We can help your business find the ERP software, CRM platform, or SaaS solution that is right for you. Our team also specializes in data governance, cloud integration and system integrations, along with other emerging technologies.
Located in Dallas, 7T maintains regional offices located in Houston and Chicago. To discuss your development project, contact 7T today.