Many facets go into the app development process from the moment you start brainstorming all the way through the app’s release. At the end of the day, app development is about creating an app that makes life as easy as possible for users, coupled with a strong troubleshooting plan and a profitable business model. This is easier said than done, of course, so you may find yourself with a host of app development questions as you begin the process. Let’s take a look at 5 of the most common concerns during development.
#1: What Is UI Design?
UI refers to the user interface. The UI defines an app’s functionality and interactions, so you should aim for a simple yet efficient design. Here are some features to include in your UI design:
- Reversible Functions: This way, users can backtrack if they enter the wrong menu item.
- Easy to Navigate: Offer context on where users are in the app, where they have previously been and their options moving forward. Also, lower the number of actions needed to reach a certain page or activate an interaction. Users should be able to find a product within your app in three clicks or less from any position within the app.
- Visual Appeal: Establish clear visual cues that will bolster the functionality of the interface. Other visuals, such as a company logo, can seamlessly attract users directly to your business. Color schemes also add visual appeal while establishing the tone of your app, so think about the type of image you want to present.
- Consistency: Use consistent colors, fonts and icons to avoid any jarring visuals. The functionality of the UI should also be consistent, as you don’t want the same button to offer different functions in different menus.
Keep these essentials in mind when designing your UI. Remember, you want the app to be visually attractive without sacrificing functionality.
#2: What Does a Typical Development Project Look Like?
The typical mobile app development process has several stages, including:
- Mobile Strategy: Figure out the problem you are trying to solve with your app and how to address your users’ needs. Consider factors such as how to market your app, whether it should be a B2B or B2C app, whether to develop a hybrid or native app and what monetization strategy to employ. Establishing a strong mobile strategy and setting goals early on will set you up for success.
- Research: Next, research the market to see if any of your competitors have developed a similar product. In addition, conduct research on your target users so you can tailor your app to your audience.
- Development: Once you have the details all ironed out, it’s time for your developer to design and actually create the app.
- Testing: You should test your app both while it’s being developed and after release.
- Release: Congratulations! Your app is now ready to be deployed. You may choose to submit your application to an app store for approval at this point. Just be sure to monitor its success, gather user feedback and keep on top of updates.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be prepared to get into the nitty-gritty of developing an app as you’ll have a clear idea of your strategy and goals. The goal is to make life easier for your target audience while promoting your brand.
#3: What Are Scrum Masters and Scrum Meetings?
The app development process is not complete without scrum meetings. Scrum meetings are daily meetings to ensure everyone is on track and address any issues. Ideally, scrum meetings last no more than 15 minutes. The meeting includes the entire team and is led by the scrum master, who is selected based on experience and leadership skills. The scrum master lays out the top priorities for that day. They are also responsible for unifying the team and setting due dates for various projects.
These meetings are critical because they keep everyone updated on everyone else’s progress. The scrum master plays a key role as the leader of these meetings, working to get the best out of everyone and keeping every facet of the process organized.
#4: What is Agile Development?
Agile development is all about creating software in a manner that is speedy, quick to adjust to unforeseen circumstances and resilient. The term was coined in 2001 when 17 software developers teamed up to share their best ideas about app development. Their practices were unified and shared in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which consists of 12 principles.
Essentially, the principles ask developers to constantly work to satisfy users, develop sustainable processes to ensure the software is operating properly, and make any necessary changes throughout the app’s lifetime. In short, it’s all about being as efficient as possible.
Following these tenets will enable you to create a swift, adaptable app designed to suit the needs of your users. Look for a developer who can provide an agile development platform capable of streamlining the entire development process.
#5: How Does App Testing Work?
App testing ensures your app is up to snuff. You should first test for functional requirements, including whether the app interacts well with other apps or social media networks. Then, start testing the documentation of the app, or the script. Be thorough and complete debugging in real-time, as you want to eliminate any issues with the script as soon as possible.
You’ll also want to conduct beta testing so you can fix any problems before the app lands in the hands of actual users. Only move on from the app testing phase when you are completely satisfied with the quality of the app.
App Development Questions Answered
These are some of the basic tenets that make up the app development process. While it may seem overwhelming at first, breaking it down one step at a time can help you achieve your goals in an efficient manner. Plus, following these steps will get you well on your way to creating the ultimate app user experience and increasing your ROI.
An essential part of creating the perfect mobile app is finding the right developer to bring your idea to life. The 7T team specializes in custom app development, with our agile development platform, STAX, offering top-of-the-line speed and efficiency. We’re also well-versed in emerging technologies, including augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain and natural language processing.
7T is headquartered in Dallas, but we also serve clients in Austin, Houston, and beyond. If you’re ready to discuss your project, please contact us today.