A B2C consumer-facing mobile app, SaaS platform, web app portal or other consumer-targeted Digital Transformation project can be transformative for a business, generating a solid revenue stream and engaging customers, clients, patients and others like never before. Consumer SaaS platforms and apps stand apart from enterprise counterparts since they are exclusively designed for use by the public.
Companies may opt to leverage these B2C Digital Transformation projects as a primary revenue source such as a mobile app that’s sold in the app stores. In these cases, the app is the primary “product.” Others may release their public-facing mobile app, web portal or SaaS platform free of charge as a complement to their service offerings, such as in the case of a medical clinic that develops a telehealth and appointment booking mobile app or web app.
7T has developed B2C consumer apps for a variety of clients, ranging from a handyman app and clothes fitting mobile app, to a sports betting platform and a financial planning mobile application and SaaS platform.
If you’re ready to develop a B2C consumer-facing SaaS platform, mobile app, web app or other Digital Transformation project, contact 7T by email (alternatively, see the form below) or call 214-299-5100.