Digital Transformation development projects can bring tremendous benefits to a business, providing startups and well-established enterprise ventures alike with a major competitive advantage. But this begs the question: how do these Digital Transformation projects bring about a competitive advantage exactly? And what can a company expect in terms of ROI from their investment in today’s newest and most innovative technologies?
How Does Digital Transformation Bring a Competitive Advantage?
Digital Transformation development holds the potential to generate significant ROI thanks to the very nature of these projects. A well-strategized Digital Transformation project is architected using business challenges and pain points as the key driving factor. For instance, the development team here at 7T collaborates with the client to gain an in-depth understanding of pain points, operational challenges and other issues that the business is confronting. Then, our Digital Transformation developers bring the client through a comprehensive discovery process. During the discovery process, we work to identify the ideal technologies and implementation options for those technologies, with an end goal of bringing about the maximum benefit to the client.
Our Digital Transformations are designed to solve business problems and address challenges that our clients are confronting. By doing so, this positions the business to improve productivity and maximize business efficiency. That’s precisely what needs to happen in order to bring about a healthy ROI for the client.
The competitive advantage arises from the improvements that occur as a result of an enterprise Digital Transformation project. We’ve identified seven areas where you can expect to see a competitive leg-up over the competition.
#1: Customer-Centric Features
A well-crafted Digital Transformation strategy will include customer-centric features that allow your company to place clients and customers at the core of your business processes. For example, this may involve using client priorities and concerns as the core basis and driving force for the transformation of your service offerings. In fact, this is similar to the manner in which 7T allows client pain points to drive our Digital Transformation development projects, with our technologies solving problems and addressing key challenges that our clients face.
#2: Data-Driven Decision Making
Data-driven decision making is central to an effective Digital Transformation strategy, especially one that brings about a competitive advantage to the client. By allowing data to inform your decisions and planning, you will be better positioned to succeed. We leverage data analytics and data visualization tools to gain a full understanding of the dynamics surrounding a particular process, challenge or situation. Then, we use those data insights to help us determine which tools and technologies will bring the best results.
#3: Identifying Workflow and Business Process Automations
Process automation technology can position your business to improve productivity and maximize efficiency. By identifying workflow and business process automation opportunities, a company can streamline those processes and workflows while simultaneously offloading tasks that would normally be performed by humans. Those staff members can then focus their efforts on higher-level tasks and processes that cannot be automated. This approach increases productivity, while also improving a company’s ability to serve clients with their limited but valuable human team members.
#4: Automating Processes and Workflows
Once a company has identified opportunities for workflow automation and business process automation, your Digital Transformation development team can architect automations. Processes and workflows with repeatable, consistent steps are ideal for automation. This approach minimizes human error, while also improving the speed with which those tasks are performed. This translates into a better user experience and thus, a competitive advantage for your business.
#5: Improving Business Agility
The right enterprise technology will serve to improve your company’s agility and adaptability in a competitive, high-pressure marketplace. Each business sector and industry has its own unique dynamics and challenges. But a custom Digital Transformation project will serve to address those dynamics and challenges in a manner that brings about the maximum benefit. These technologies can improve your company’s ability to pivot quickly in response to market changes, evolutions in your industry and other external events. This makes your company far more competitive as you work to fulfill the needs of clients and customers.
#6: Leveraging Innovation
Innovation is really central to success in today’s business world, regardless of industry or business type. Technology advances at a very rapid pace and the most successful companies place great emphasis on the newest, disruptive technologies. Early adopters gain a competitive advantage since they can leverage new innovations to improve or expand their processes and product and service offerings, among other things.
#7: Collaboration
Today’s most competitive companies place a tremendous value on collaboration during the enterprise development process. You must engage clients or customers in a manner that improves their experience working with your business. Digital Transformation allows you to achieve that objective. In turn, this brings about a greater level of satisfaction for the client and that translates into a significant competitive advantage.
Gaining a Competitive Advantage With Digital Transformation Development Projects
A well-strategized Digital Transformation project can bring tremendous results with a significant ROI, but you need the right development team with experience architecting innovative solutions for enterprise clients and startups alike. At 7T, we take a collaborative approach to enterprise development projects. We engage the client from the discovery phase to deployment. Our many Digital Transformation service offerings include process automation solutions, enterprise software development for ERP and CRM systems (among others), along with SaaS development for web apps and mobile apps, amongst others. We work extensively with cutting-edge technologies as we strive to help clients solve pain points, improve efficiency and achieve their business goals.
We’re guided by the approach of “Digital Transformation Driven by Business Strategy.” As such, the 7T development team works with company leaders who are seeking to solve problems and drive ROI through Digital Transformation and innovation. We then provide collaborative, multi-phased and impactful Digital Transformation solutions.
7T has offices in Dallas, Houston and Austin, but our clientele spans the globe. If you’re ready to learn more about Digital Transformation and what we can do for your business, contact 7T today.