A global mobile app and software development team can bring tremendous benefits to your custom software development project, ranging from cost savings to the speed and progress of the project. Many never consider this approach, yet it’s one that is gaining momentum as companies achieve a greater sense of comfort with the workings of a global workforce. But how can a global development team benefit your software development project or other digital transformation efforts?
How the Pandemic Drove the Rise of Global Software Development Teams
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, many business leaders were hesitant when it came to the topic of non-traditional work environments. In-office work environments were viewed as the best, the standard, the norm. But then, enter: the pandemic. This world-changing event prompted countless companies to shift their operations to accommodate an all-remote or hybrid work arrangement. IT infrastructure and technology was rapidly put into place to support remote operations and over time, those systems have been refined to a degree that has allowed for smooth workflows and a much higher degree of comfort with hybrid and remote work arrangements.
This transition wasn’t voluntary for many; it was a necessity if they wanted to stay in business — a fact that was evidenced by the thousands of companies that shuttered their doors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, it has become clear that the companies that have remained productive and profitable are those that evolved and changed with the times; the companies that resisted that change are the ones that no longer exist.
The pandemic-related shift toward remote and hybrid work environments has led to a permanent transformation in the ways in which we do business. Companies that were previously uncomfortable with non-traditional, out-of-the-office work arrangements came to realize that this approach has many benefits, both in terms of employee morale and wellness, and in terms of overall productivity.
Mobile app and software development companies accounted for some of the first to leverage a global workforce strategy and for good reason: most already had the infrastructure in place to support remote work. So when the pandemic hit, it was business as usual. But there has been a major — and largely, very positive — shift in the way in which clients perceive their ability to leverage a global workforce. In fact, there are numerous benefits to using a global development team for your next software development project.
How Does a Global Development Team Bring Benefits to a Software Development Project?
A software development team can work very effectively on a remote basis since a vast majority of development work is — and always has been — performed independently. This means that an individual’s location doesn’t have a big impact on job performance or the development process flow. Similarly, the collaborative aspects of development work are generally centralized on a project management platform such as JIRA, so again, the individual’s location has little — if any — effect. Developers have long realized that their work can be performed from anywhere on the planet, but many clients have been more reluctant to embrace this approach. Terms such as “overseas outsourcing” have become dirty words in the industry, but the pandemic shift toward remote work has largely changed these views. Here is a look at some of the benefits of a global development team.
- Work Continues 24/7 and Projects Are Completed Faster – When you hire a local software development company, the software development team is likely working 9-to-5. But when your team is distributed across multiple time zones, work continues around the clock during what would otherwise be off hours. Since work is continuous, it is possible to complete your project at a rate that is much faster than you might otherwise achieve.
- Better Quality Talent – When you limit your workforce to the local talent pool, you are limiting the quality of talent that is available for your software development project. When location is removed from the equation as a limiting variable, the development team is free to hire the best of the best! That is exactly who you want working on your project, right?
- Cost Reductions – It is often possible to achieve cost reductions for your software development project when you work with a global software development team. This can reduce the need for overtime in cases where you’re under a time crunch and the actual per hour cost is often less for developers working in other regions of the world where the cost of living is lower than what you might see in the U.S.
These are just some of the many advantages of hiring a company with a globally-distributed software development team. Of course, you need to be sure that you’re actually hiring a company that uses this approach if you are to see a benefit. .
Differentiating Between Globally-Distributed vs Outsourced
When hiring a software development company, it is important to differentiate between a globally-distributed team of software developers versus outsourced developers. This is an important distinction that can have a significant impact on your project. Here is a look at the key differences between globally-distributed employees who work remotely and outsourcing work.
- Globally-Distributed Employees – In the case of globally-distributed developers, the company hires full-time permanent employees who work remotely from various locations. These individuals are able to form established relationships with their coworkers, allowing them to collectively operate as a well-oiled unit.
- Outsourced Workers – In the case of outsourced workers, a company works with independent contractors situated in other regions of the world. These are not full-time employees and there is no guarantee that a given individual will work on your project from start to finish. In fact, it is commonplace to see multiple individuals rotate through a position on a development team when outsourcing a project in this way. The net effect is instability that can have an adverse impact on the quality of the software, the timeframe for completion and ultimately, the overall cost of the project. Errors and oversights are far more commonplace when you have a rotating door situation on a development team and therein lies the problem with overseas outsourcing.
At 7T, our company is based in Dallas, where we have local offices with developers, UI/UX designers, BAs and others who are directly involved with the client’s project. The individuals you meet during a visit to our offices are the individuals who will be working on your mobile app, custom software platform or other digital transformation project.
We also have a number of development team members located outside of the U.S. These are full-time 7T employees who are hard at work on core framework elements of a platform while the Dallas-based team is enjoying their off-hours. This allows for continuous progress on a client’s project, speeding the timeframe and allowing for more rapid completion. All of our tech talent works together as a cohesive team, despite the gaps in distance. This has allowed us to overcome and accommodate for any challenges that arise in a remote work environment.
This is very different from what you might find for a company that outsources its projects to random overseas developers in an attempt to cut costs. This practice can lead to issues with quality, timeframe and overall team cohesion, especially when the development team composition is constantly changing.
Hiring a Software Development Company With a Local Presence
Despite an increasing comfort level with remote work, many business leaders still have concerns when it comes to hiring a software development company that is based outside their local region. This is completely understandable since many prefer face-to-face meetings over virtual Zoom meetings.
The solution can be found in a local company with a portion of its workforce distributed outside of the immediate region. This is the approach we use here at 7T. As a Dallas software development company, we serve clients in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, Austin and Houston, but our clientele extends far beyond this area of Texas. In fact, our company leaders are always willing to travel in order to connect with clients in person.
At 7T, we embrace digital transformation and we take great pride in our ability to develop technology that is truly transformative for our clients. The 7T development team works with company leaders who are seeking to solve problems and drive ROI through digital transformation. We offer collaborative, multi-phased digital transformation as a service solutions to clients in all business sectors.
Our offices are situated in Dallas, Houston and Austin, but our clientele spans the globe. If you’re ready to learn more about digital transformation as a service or are seeking to develop a custom enterprise software platform, a mobile app or another piece of technology for your organization, contact 7T today.