Companies invest lots of time, money and effort in an attempt to find the perfect software for their business needs. Often, companies make do with a hobbled-together smattering of software programs that lack full integration and compatibility with each other. The end result can be an inefficient workflow where humans are left to span the gaps that exist between multiple software platforms.
But in today’s high-tech world, there’s truly no need for this makeshift approach to enterprise software. You simply need an expert who understands the many software choices that are available. They should also know how to leverage custom software development solutions to span any gaps that exist. These are the overarching objectives of the software consulting process.
How Does the Software Consulting Process Work?
The software consulting process has the same basic steps, regardless of the business type or the company’s current software situation. Here is an overview of the basic steps that a software consultant will perform:
• Understand the Company’s Needs — A software consultant must begin by getting a good feel for the company’s operations and workflow. How does the business use their current software? What processes are associated with their existing software? Are there multiple software platforms in use? How do those different software programs currently interact?
• Understand the Company’s Pain Points — Once the consultant has a feel for the company’s workflow and how they’re using their current software, they’ll be well-positioned to explore their pain points. Where is the existing software falling short? What inefficiencies exist? Are there processes where humans are forced to span the gaps between two different software platforms? What changes would the employees like to see in their current software?
• Evaluate the Current Software and IT Infrastructure — After the consultant has gained insight regarding the company’s needs and pain points, it’s time to examine the actual software and IT infrastructure. Are there existing features that could be leveraged in a way that solves one or more of the pain points? Is the company making the most of their current software program(s)? It’s not uncommon to encounter a business that is simply unaware of their software’s capabilities and features. In exploring the company’s current software, the consultant can begin to formulate a strategy for implementing more efficient software solutions.
• Recommending New Software Solutions and Apps — Once the software consulting team is familiar with the current software and IT infrastructure, they can make recommendations for achieving the company’s goals and objectives. In some cases, consultants recommend a custom software development project that meets the company’s exact needs and requirements. In other cases, the recommendation entails switching to a more efficient software platform or modifying an existing piece of software. Businesses may also choose to create a new program that serves as a bridge between two pieces of software that previously lacked integration.
There are many factors that will impact a consultant’s recommendation, including the cost of implementing entirely new software, the uniqueness of the company’s processes and their budget for developing a new custom software platform. All of these considerations will be weighed to arrive at a plan that’s viable from a cost perspective, an operational stance and from a technological viewpoint.
Finding a Software Consultant Firm to Guide Your Company to Success
The right software or mobile app can transform your company by boosting productivity, limiting inefficiencies and even improving employee morale. Employees shouldn’t be left to wrestle with glitchy software programs that are ill-suited for your needs. And in the case of customer-facing technology, user experience is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success. In short, your technology should be working for you, not against you. An experienced software consulting company can ensure that your business has the tools and technology required to gain a competitive edge.
At 7T, our experienced team of software consultants is familiar with the many ways in which technology can fail your business. Our goal is to understand your needs, and then guide you through the process of implementing software solutions that maximize productivity and bolster your bottom line.
Our expertise spans many high-tech niches, from ERP, CRMs, payment gateways and system integrations, to UI/UX, mobile security, and beyond. We also have the technical expertise required to create one-of-a-kind mobile apps and custom software platforms that are designed to meet your exact needs. We can even include state-of-the-art technologies, such as Natural Language Processing, Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
7T is based in Dallas, Texas, with regional offices in Houston and Austin. If you’re ready to use the latest technology to grow your business and dominate your industry, contact the expert team here at 7T.
Reach out to our team today!